Wednesday, August 15, 2007

For example, if a window contains three child frames, these frames are reflected as parent.

T.h_i's g-e.m is real_ly mo v*able!!
T_h,i.s o n,e is reall-y profita.ble-!!!
H*a+v,e y_o.u b.e-e.n wa' t+h-i-s f,o.r t.h+e l.a,s-t w-e.e*k_?
T'a.k.e a l+o.o_k at it:
recen.t n,e,w's re-lease s s'e'n.t gen*er ating grow_ing interes,+t in C_Y T'V
Comp_a*ny: CHI_NA YO UTV C+O+R P (*O_T+C BB:C YTV.O,B)
S t o c k: C'Y-T,V
C-urrent Price_: $ ._4 9
4't.h Strai+gh_t d_a_y_s we h*a.v,e s'e'e n t h_i-s cl-imb. (,S+e+e Ya hoo Chart-.N ew N,e_w s release_)
T.h'i_s o,n*e h*a s h_a d n-i-c e return+s f o.r i,nves,tors o'v-e_r t h*e summer , and
n_o w pr.omise to be-gin a se'cond w,a*v,e of re.turns.
K.e,e,p a e'y_e o+u-t ag-ain on We_dnesd,ay A u-g 15. ..
If it w'asn't ".B.u't t*h'e.y l,e'f't t h*e moth.*ership a*n*d t_w+o bou ncer_s b-a c*k in f*o.r Jo+hnny she'_d be on t.h'e w-i'r-e rig+ht n o+w_, break' ing t'h e Neva,*da," Ke_lly note*d.
Compi.l-ed d'e-m_o of AlphaCont+rol-s w i*t h sou*rces a_n.d s o'm*e ski'ns.
Y+o*u m u-s*t h_a.v+e ad'min rights,.
H'i*s musc+les a+ched as if he wres.*tled w*i-t.h a m.a.n of f'lesh, a gi_ant.
T-h'e d_at*abase ent'ry is n+o_t remove+d un+til a,l_l o'p e,n handl'es to t.h'e serv,ice h+a*v'e b,e-e.n close,d by call*s to t*h'e CloseServiceHandle function_-, a.n-d t-h,e se+rvice is n.o*t run*ning.

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